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Intro to Webflow 101
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Webflow 101 crash course #learning
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Intro to Webflow (Webflow 101)
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Start Webflow weekend: Consume plenty of content with two goals. 1 - fill all gaps and learn all changes since last time I was using it. 2 - launch blog section for me and my wife on our upcoming project website
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Coding my own blog CMS in Next.js, because multiple Webflow collections are a pain to deal with when displaying simple articles
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Complete Webflow 101 course on Sunday
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Webflow interactive tutorial with basic layout
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learning how to connect New Years in Webflow to collections after signup #bestow
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/done website work - able to look at individual blogpost with webflow #yamlife
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Flow and timeline for first video tutorial created #personal
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Day 1 of Makerpad Challenge #bestow - Outline for the month - Finishing Memberstack Configuration with Webflow - YouTube video outlining Day 1
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#expertsheets complete webflow tutorial
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Started building #learnweb3dev on Webflow
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Finish helping a client with their Webflow website + record a video guide w/ recommendations #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Finish helping a client with their Webflow website + record a video guide w/ recommendations #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Intro to HTML (Webflow 101)
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Working on a webflow project #life
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Practice Webflow CMS
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Tweet about recent Webflow updates (and make full-blown posts in Telegram channels) #georgydesign #firststreaks
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Site build: Publishing the site (Webflow 101)
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