Similar todos
switch docs from Notion to github #lengua
🔛 migrate wiki from github to notion (part 1/2) #berty
removing NotionCMS from #fcto website. Notion is just too slow buggy nowadays. using Obsidian to draft/edit/publish blog posts #leifinlavida
Start transferring apple notes to Obsidian
Fully transition to
updated docs in Notion
transfer trello board & other docs into notion #lightbox
Update project notes and documentation in Notion
copy over notes to notion doc so I know how to fix upgrade issue next time
organize a bit of my Notion mess
📦 converting my markdown blog to notion pages #life
Organize Notion #aware
Import all of it into Notion!
Organize Obsidian data
published new blog post from obsidian… #leifinlavida
🚜 work on my person blog to make it easier to update with Obsidian
Organize Notion more #aware
Moved away from Notion #saasmanual