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send partnership proposals #dataproducts
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Call with non-profit organisation about strategy/innovation position, but position level was too low, and work was mostly PM 😕 #outsprint
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Received notification that $64k bid for gov consulting project was not successful... oh well was kinda expecting it 🤷‍♂️ (but upside is realising that the new tender limit on gov tenders is now >$90k! And I under-bidded 😓) #outsprint
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Say no to low value partnership #simpleanalytics
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Schedule call with new potential client (partnership representing >300 global financial institutions) #considercomingoutofretirementbecausetheprojectiscoolandilikemoney
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Sent CV + portfolio to partner agency who’s bidding for massive contract for a design project working on youth mental health issues #outsprint
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Meeting with partnership #fajarsiddiq
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Step down from the project after my co-founder applied to VC and they denied my role as a co-founder #streampot
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meeting with partnership #fajarsiddiq
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tell potential new client I might not be a good fit for the project #freelance
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completed proposals for non profit
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Partnership outreach #datesplannedforyou
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talk with prospect client, realize I just don't have the time
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Call about partnership #youtube
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say no to a few client projects
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call regarding partnership #linkhandy
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#womenmake contact for partnership
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#womenmake contact for partnership
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Researched gov bidding platform GeBiz for consulting opportunities. Watchlisted 3! Time to dive in to see if worth bidding #outsprint
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Receive word that my upcoming freelance project is cancelled due to organisational changes at client. Shit. 😫
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