Similar todos
Introduction/get started part of the docs done #shipnix
Make "shipnixifier" its own starter, for converting non-ship-nix projects, generate startercode and upload to DO Spaces #shipnix
First small steps to make an IHP Nix starter #shipnix
Consider #shipnix docs good enough for now
Create a documentation site and start writing product documentation #shipnix
work with postgres starter #shipnix
Work on postgres starter #shipnix
Write docs for how to make an exisiting project #shipnix compliant and let testers know…
First steps in moving #shipnix into production
Make a Twitter account for #shipnix and do a soft launch on Twitter
Publish deploy speedup docs and tweet about it #shipnix
Provision a static site server from end to end via the web dashboard #shipnix
Get working staging environment for #shipnix up and running, using #shipnix
Successfully deploy a test instance of ship-nix #shipnix
Provision server with a static site #shipnix
Write more documentation and add syntax highlighting to docs #shipnix
Work on provisioning and shipping #shipnix with it's own software
Explore Nix flake devShell for also creating dev environments for all supported starters #shipnix
Make #shipnix docs color scheme align with the main site #shipnix
Struggle all day with making an IHP starter, but not yet there #shipnix