Similar todos
MVP manage environment variables from server dashboard #shipnix
Properly load environment variables via systemd #shipnix
Create default ship_env file on all new server starters that stores information on whether the server environment is production, stage or something else #shipnix
Make big breaking changes while I can, and move environment file folder to be /etc/ship-nix instead of living in home folder #shipnix
Set up preliminary view for creating and pushing server configuration to Github repo #shipnix
Setup dev environment for #shipnix on new laptop so I can continue working while travelling
Create script to replace current server config with another repo #shipnix
Work on a node.js dev environment #shipnix
Fix adding server config to an empty repo for version control #shipnix
Greatly improve flow for uploading provisioned server code to a git repo, splitting it up in simple steps #shipnix
Write documentation for safely adding SSH host keys for custom git providers on production servers #shipnix
Make plans and research to tighten security for generated ssh keys before letting more test users in #shipnix
Write docs for how to make an exisiting project #shipnix compliant and let testers know…
First steps in moving #shipnix into production
Slightly improve provisioning time with easy fix #shipnix
Add known_hosts from Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket to fresh servers in a way that doesn't open for MITM attacks #shipnix
Functionality to replace the provisioned server repo with a custom one #shipnix
Rewrite UI for server deployment with HTMX/HyperScript #shipnix
Simplify build setup and remove lots of bugs in production in the same sweep #shipnix
Successfully make the "shipnixifier/Migrate" stage support all kinds of migrating to ship-nix so it's less confusing #shipnix