Similar todos
Work on a node.js dev environment #shipnix
Setup dev environment on new laptop #hitmvp
Work on provisioning and shipping #shipnix with it's own software
First steps in moving #shipnix into production
Set up a proper NixOS configuration on new laptop #lillointeractive
setup new laptop and move repos over #work
Make big breaking changes while I can, and move environment file folder to be /etc/ship-nix instead of living in home folder #shipnix
Live-tweet about making and shipping a small project on ship-nix before launch. Done initial setup today and continuing tomorrow… #shipnix
Explore Nix flake devShell for also creating dev environments for all supported starters #shipnix
First small steps to make an IHP Nix starter #shipnix
set up environment on new laptop #starterstory
Set up preliminary view for creating and pushing server configuration to Github repo #shipnix
Create default ship_env file on all new server starters that stores information on whether the server environment is production, stage or something else #shipnix
Generate and render runnable script that makes a local project #shipnix compatible and ready to deploy with server
set up new machine for dev stuff
setup dev environment #alpine
setup dev environment