Similar todos
Finish first draft of #shipnix docs. Will be using the next few days to fix typos and try to improve readability
Write more documentation and add syntax highlighting to docs #shipnix
Add docs for "can't connect ssh" #shipnix
Write documentation for safely adding SSH host keys for custom git providers on production servers #shipnix
Write docs for how to make an exisiting project #shipnix compliant and let testers know…
Make new pull request on IHP docs #shipnix
Fix bug on generating SSH keys #shipnix
Create a documentation site and start writing product documentation #shipnix
Work on deploying docs on same server, with some problems with JS tooling #shipnix
Write docs for having faster-than-light builds in production with compiled code #shipnix
Make plans and research to tighten security for generated ssh keys before letting more test users in #shipnix
Consider #shipnix docs good enough for now
Make an outline for everything I should document before release. Also build my own doc generator with eleventy because all doc generators uniquely rub me the wrong way #shipnix
Submit pull request to IHP Guide for #shipnix deployment instructions
Write "Push to deploy" docs. So boring #shipnix
Fix git script #ship-nix
Update color scheme and logo on documentation #shipnix
Publish docs on how to migrate from IHP cloud to #shipnix
Set up preliminary view for creating and pushing server configuration to Github repo #shipnix
Make #shipnix docs color scheme align with the main site #shipnix