Similar todos
Make it possible to review and modify environment variables before migrating existing code to a new server #shipnix
Fix IHP provisioning issue for database migration #shipnix
Let users review environment variables before deploying an exisiting project #shipnix
Successfully make an existing IHP project ship-nix compatible through #shipnix
Get IHP to deploy without any monkey patching #shipnix
Add toggle for auto-deploying after updating environment variables, using HTMX instead of Elm or JavaScript for the first time #shipnix
Fix bug where database is declared twice on IHP starters. I think automated e2e tests (just for each starter) will be great for catching problems early after code changes. High priority after launch. #shipnix
Speed up builds with IHP #shipnix
Make big breaking changes while I can, and move environment file folder to be /etc/ship-nix instead of living in home folder #shipnix
Make a global state in database to disable or enable all new rebuilds, so ship-nix itself can update without killing user builds #shipnix
write migration docs from IHP Cloud to #shipnix. will test tomorrow to make sure it's works as perfectly as possible
Create default ship_env file on all new server starters that stores information on whether the server environment is production, stage or something else #shipnix
Work on IHP template automated provisioner #shipnix
Publish docs on how to migrate from IHP cloud to #shipnix
Setup dev environment for #shipnix on new laptop so I can continue working while travelling
Properly load environment variables via systemd #shipnix
Automatically add swap files to IHP servers with low memory, and have it as a commented out option for more powerful servers that might not need/want it #shipnix
Create script to replace current server config with another repo #shipnix
Make new pull request on IHP docs #shipnix
Write docs for how to make an exisiting project #shipnix compliant and let testers know…