Similar todos
refactor tests with DI #kornwolf
replace custom architecture with dependency injection and NestJS (…) #kornwolf
study (for REST/GraphQL API) #kornwolf
convert admin server to Fastify #sideshift
initialize #didit angular client
Finish NodeJS to Laravel port of #typetest API backend
connect api
migrate backend to NextJS API #shipr
deploy api application
start working on admin frontend for #fullstackjob
create admin get https setup #wheatfreemom
deploy node.js app => H #cannaboard
start web admin backend
setup api project #casters
ship webhook integration #cronhub
I fixed the data encryption in #speechzap and found out that in NestJS all injected dependencies are singletons by default, which led to data being encrypted/decrypted with random users' private keys due to my service's caching not considering the user ID.
Finish api (w/ mongo) and web (w/ create-react-app buildback) setup on DO #blurt