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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 44 min - average speed: 6,82 km/h - remarks: nope, only that I invented 3 new characters/identities to add to my character library #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,5 min - average speed: 7,06 km/h - remarks: Had two quick ideas that I noted down after the walk, the walk itself was fine. Knees felt smooth and my legs were still under the „used“ influence of my HIIT session on Tuesday (two days ago) *nice* #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: melted snow which made walking harder and wetter but also fun - remembering childhood moments playing soccer in the snow *awesome* #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 5,76 min - average speed: 18,75 km/h - remarks: Good evening walk with many thoughts like ending my regular life rhythm and changing it in 2019 - I made a promise (also to myself) that I’ll change that and come close the life and person I want to be - time of today’s includes bringing the garbage out. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,75 min - average speed: 7,02 km/h - remarks: pretty slow compared to yesterday and the days before. Contemplated a lot about soccer, and missing to play soccer about missed chances in life - feeling a bit sentimental. Nothing to worry but important to acknowledge that today’s meeting with one of my most important friends in my childhood and teenage yesterday got me thinking and encourages me go after what I wanna do with my life - now more than ever. That means to pursue what I’m doing now and stick to my gut feeling, really listen to what Mr. Gut tells me. Life can be terrible if you never release your thoughts and transform them into action. You can feel like a prisoner caught in your self - horrible. That’s why taking action, getting things going, even only talking about them and taking those walks (that I’ve been doing for some weeks now) helps to break free from this cage and farewell it with a mixture of middle finger and a hug. Contradiction? Totally, but that’s life in general. As far as I’m concerned. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42 min - average speed: 7,14 km/h - remarks: what was melted got frozen again so walking was a bit like on a glacier #health
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walked 10km 🏃 - time: 180 min - average speed: 3,33 km/h - remarks: It was not a regular walk like usual but part of my artist date where I take breaks, read, take photos, sit and enjoy what surrounds me. The 10km is an estimation based on what Google Maps told me. #health
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walked 5.7km 🏃 - time: 45,5 min - average speed: 7,52 km/h - remarks: first time walk at my bro’s neighborhood north of Berlin, felt good, was fricking cold but for now the fastest time - and walked bit more than 5km because there was no other route to walk #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 39,75 min - average speed: 7,55 km/h - remarks: The 2nd time in 9 weeks that I was faster than 40 minutes. Really nice, and it didn’t feel that fast when walking. Sun was out, sky was blue, very nice day, cold still mainly because of the wind. Quite a lot of people - many of them old - outside. In terms of thoughts no real clarity but after I had arrived back to the house I wrote the draft for blog post 10 and 11 about revenue numbers of my business - it’s in my mind for a while to share them and today I wrote the article that reveals them. To be published soon. #health
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walked 2.6km 🏃 - time: 24 min - average speed: 6,50 km/h - remarks: A two-way morning walk incl. a return walk, combining pleasure with duty (passport retrieval) #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: walking went fine, sun outside, not too cold in the sun. Thought about the paradise book and now defined that I will merge it with the concept of „identity“ book because Paradise is essentially about identity and „solving to decipher self-awareness“ #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,25 min - average speed: 7,27 km/h - remarks: again slower today but stomach was relatively full; apart from that I thought about making a video that explains the pros and cons of WhatsApp compared to Telegram with the intention to explain friends and some business contacts that Telegram is the better choice 😉 #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: knees both ok, still very cold outside due to clear sky; 4 days in a row with moon shining. Makes a tremendous difference on the mood to walk several days at midnight (dark and moon) and to walk several days at noon time (with sun and blue sky). #health
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walked 5km (but it was Friday, Feb 16) 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: Clearly slower than yesterday but still faster than usual - no big thoughts only the idea that my artist’s name I want keep (so iian will survive) #health
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walked 20km 🏃 - time: 190 min - average speed: 6,32 km/h - remarks: Long walk on Sunday as part of my Sunday artist date, awesome feeling afterwards especially knowing that I endured the distance and walked only a little more than 3 hours while taking photos and audio-record on the fly. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: scary… 3rd day in a row with the same 41,5 minutes of walking time, also scary (in a positive sense) is the obscurity due to the fog outside, perfect setting for B/C horror movie setting. Apart from that many thoughts about the pursue of my path as an actor/voiceover and the feeling that this is something I want to spend more time on. Feels good doing it and makes me feel good. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43 min - average speed: 6,98 km/h - remarks: During the walk I had an idea for a naii blog post that kept me busy for the next 2.75h after I returned back to the house, and I had first rough idea for the UI of studiolist (dark-blue/gray/purple-ish + yellow color scheme - so it looks a bit technical but not too technical) #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 16,5 min - average speed: 6,55 km/h - remarks: Again super slow in terms of average speed. Knees feeling fine cos I had bike training today already. Though I’m not walking to be fast I want to increase the speed to at least reach more than 7 km/h as average speed. #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 16,75 min - average speed: 16,75 km/h - remarks: Good morning walk. Realized that a short night sleep (6h) is preferable over long night sleep (8h) because I’m getting out of bed better. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,25 min - average speed: 7,27 km/h - remarks: was mostly thinking about the meeting tomorrow with good old friend of mine (from primary school) and how much fun it would be to challenge myself to speak a decent British English accent within 7 days and having a fake interview or something to see how British I could sound #health
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