Similar todos
send out alerts because new deals #yelmair
add deals and send alerts #yelmair
only show active deals #yelmair
set up alert emails (triggered when deal is posted) #yelmair
show alert when deal was deleted #yelmair
add some deals and send some alerts #yelmair
set last_send at alert creation to now because I don’t want to send any current deals #yelmair
show overview of alerts with alerts that have been sent (to check if I need to find new deals) #yelmair
add column to table for alert set so I can check when and if I already sent deal alerts #yelmair
post deals send bunch of alerts #yelmair
double down on deal searching for members and check set alerts to find deals #yelmair
post some deals and send out alerts #yelmair
add deals ppl have set alerts for because paying customers have perks #yelmair
deactivate inactive deals #yelmair
add alerts #sportsjobs
add alerts #rewardsflights
fix register because was not working when embedded on deals page #yelmair
add feature to register page because alerts is now working #yelmair
add ‘active’ stickers to active deals to not overly confuse visitors #yelmair