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1. Follow up with Joey abt my invoices and set a deadline of 22nd June ✅ #enocpop
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#enocpop 1. meeting with Jacqueline ✅ 2. completely fix the issue with the aggregated finance and the breakdown ✅
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- monthly finance admin ✅ #ofinanceadmin
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- monthly update of invoices and other financial admin tasks #ofinanceadmin
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- catch up on finance related admin work ✅ #maintenance
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2. meeting to clarify the acceptance paper report for finance dept ✅ #enocpop
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1. attend the followup session for [[work.icanstudy]] ✅ (already spent 1.3 hrs of 3 hrs allocated this week) #enocpop
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- follow up with Kong Wei if I owe him outstanding data req ✅ #enocpop
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- spend 30 mins on catching up on financeadmin tasks ✅ #maintenance
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- follow up with customer abt potential late payment ✅ #ofinanceadmin
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1. follow up with Dorothy on pricebook ✅for #enocpop
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- follow up with robocorp about link token ✅ #enocpop
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- follow up with zegal ♻️ #ofinanceadmin
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5. fix the bug for the acceptance paper to finance dept so the range is widened to restrict those with date_prepared ✅ #enocpop
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- followup with kindrik partners ♻️ #ofinanceadmin
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- follow up with Siti on when to turn on the new CCB feature ✅ #enocpop
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For #enocpop 1. follow up with Jacqueline abt search not working ✅
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- invoices ✅ #ofinanceadmin
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- fix bug involving incentive report ✅ #enocpop
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1. attend the followup session for [[work.icanstudy]] ✅ (already spent 1.3 hrs of 3 hrs allocated this week) 2. follow up on finance admin under [[recurring tasks|monthly.journal.2022.01#recurring-tasks]] ✅ 4. plan the list for revision for this week [[work.icanstudy.things-to-revise]] ✅ 5. solve the data issue regarding support and pcode for package E for pricebook ✅ 6. update [[mysql.levelup]] with the new LOCATE clause and REPLACE clause i learn today ✅ 7. expired 846 prices in VQP ✅ 8. draw a UI sketch for the replacement of person in project ✅
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