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- test using bind data with latest changes ✅ #enocpop
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- meeting to clarify how to make the WBS assignment dynamic => 3 dropdowns needed ✅ #enocpop
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- demo with end user regarding eno-products ✅ #enocpop
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1. follow up with Dorothy on pricebook ✅for #enocpop
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- follow up with Kong Wei if I owe him outstanding data req ✅ #enocpop
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- meeting to clarify with bind what he needs to invoice customer correctly => change in pink email by adding material ✅ #enocpop
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- wbs to po number linker table ✅ #enocpop
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- meeting with Teng How and Joey to identify the correct pricebook meant to be used ✅ #enocpop
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- follow up with Siti on when to turn on the new CCB feature ✅ #enocpop
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- meeting regarding the setup of quotation data #enocpop
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- meeting regarding the setup of quotation data #enocpop
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- follow up with Shane abt pending_vendor ✅ #enocpop
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- 2 customer meetings ✅ #enocpop
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- test with balaji and vendor ✅ #enocpop
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- follow up with robocorp about link token ✅ #enocpop
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- get Bind to test the latest pink email changes ✅ #enocpop
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- run the data engineering on the new pricebook 21/22 package A pb-21 at least once ✅ #enocpop
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- follow up with Siti about unconverted unsent CCB quotes ✅ #enocpop
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1. attend the followup session for [[work.icanstudy]] ✅ (already spent 1.3 hrs of 3 hrs allocated this week) #enocpop
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- attend customer's customer meeting ✅ #enocpop
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