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migrate to mongodb atlas #checkoutpage
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Successfully migrate to Atlas #ss
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Continue data migration to self-managed Mongo cluster from Mongo Atlas.
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migrate from OpenAI to Azure OpenAI #spectate
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deploy db on mongo atlas and populate with data #politicaio
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Host frontend on Azure Web App (DevOps apprenticeship)
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moved database from mlab to mongo db atlas #sportstechjobs
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more progress on getting proof of concept working on azure aks + my pipeline. decided to use managed azure cosmosdb as document store insted of mongodb on own cluster #edu
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migrate from firebase to mongodb
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Investigating how to move out from managed mongodb atlas quickly and efficiently as cost is exploding.
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Migrate DB #nekolo
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Migrate to AWS #pb
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Migrated a database like a real devop 💾
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Finished migrating to my self-managed Mongo cluster from Mongo Atlas. Managed to cut the bill by 75% while also improving redundancy and latency.
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migrate backend to NextJS API #shipr
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migrate old db data to new backend #isplogger
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Migrate production backend to a new server #legit
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Start migrating some #ipregistry mongo collections to new self-managed mongo cluster.
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Finally migrating clusters of mongodb between accounts!! After weeks of preparation #talqui
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Migrate backend to Node.js 14 #remoteindex
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