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11. Follow up on Jessica request for new Project Definition ✅ #enocpop
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- look into the discrepancy of the PO highlighted by Jessica ✅ #enocpop
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- figure out an initial version for pink email improvements ✅ #enocpop
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- fix the issue raised by Jessica day before because due to failure to include PD as part of matching conditions for fod_email_stats ✅ #enocpop
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- update E incident diary with this jessic request and the teng how request over teams asking for data for incentive line item and quotations ✅ #enocpop
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- get Bind to test the latest pink email changes ✅ #enocpop
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- meeting to clarify with bind what he needs to invoice customer correctly => change in pink email by adding material ✅ #enocpop
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- emergency visit customer to see if email issue can be resolved. final decision is to choose to build separate feature to bypass using their internal email ✅ #enocpop
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- follow up with Dorothy et al to respond Kah Siong's email ✅ #enocpop
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- meeting to clarify how to make the WBS assignment dynamic => 3 dropdowns needed ✅ #enocpop
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- follow up with Bind about WBS data for demo ✅ #enocpop
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- Answer Siti abt her workflow ✅ #enocpop
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#enocpop 1. meeting with Jacqueline ✅ 2. completely fix the issue with the aggregated finance and the breakdown ✅
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fix issue issue-167 #enocpop
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#enocpop 🇸🇬📬 - work on SSP ✅
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- partial fix the issued raised by Joey Tay day before as failure to look at wbs_count and ob_done at POE level mistakenly displayed as printable acceptance paper ✅ #enocpop
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- Meeting with Joey after analysis of her request reveals one data issue and one bug issue. Scheduled bug diagnosis session for next day. ✅ #enocpop
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- fully fix the issued raised by Joey Tay day before as failure to look at wbs_count and ob_done at POE level mistakenly displayed as printable acceptance paper ✅ #enocpop
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#enocpop 🇸🇬📬 - write code to block cloning from different pricebook due to previous day issue ✅ - pricebook go over with Dorothy ✅ - change the column G in FLIR to be softcopy sent date ✅ - get Ariba access and meeting with Jacqueline ✅
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For #enocpop 1. follow up with Jacqueline abt search not working ✅
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