Similar todos
finish first dataviz article #reactfordataviz
add why dataviz teaser #reactd32018
build first of monthly dataviz projects #reactd32018
repurpose as a blogpost…
meet with client’s designer to figure out a way to dataviz the thing
write article about datalist #blog2
deliver react dataviz talk #blog2
make progress on VR dataviz #reactd32018
get dataviz advice from shirley wu
leaf through dataviz design book #BigClient
continue figuring out massive dataviz with react-three-fiber #reactfordataviz
Become dataviz contest finalists #ridertrails
get the dataviz for client project working
sketch out advent of dataviz page idea for Shawn
publish article for november… #reactfordataviz
consolidate scalable dataviz section #reactfordataviz
write article about using React and d3-force together #reactfordataviz
write article about using React and d3-force together
big improvements on client dataviz