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2. mkdir a /root/.django_project_passwords ✅ #greendeploy
- study how to rewrite the `create_cookie_cutter_template_repo under` so that it can also work with starters that are in relative folders of a repo of a certain branch ✅ #greendeploy
#greendeploy loaded the HTML/css for a tailwindui landing page into django app
2. Get SEO to 100 on lighthouse for the Django blog I'm experimenting with the 1 click I prepared #greendeploy
- follow django-components to create tagify ✅ #greendeploy
#greendeploy 💚
- Read "How to make sense of any mess" an Info Archi book and apply the concepts to the handbook "Dockerized Django" ✅
#greendeploy 💚
- [[work.greendeploy.dockerized-django.followup]] in terms of the Stackoverflow question with pg_config missing. Spend 30 mins on this at least ✅ solved it eventually by myself after much googling
- study how to replace the template placeholders ✅ #greendeploy
- create a test djangoproject from… and test out the idea for using appleboy/ssh-action and envs and cat EOF script ✅ #greendeploy
- setup a demo public python project in order to summarize a list of lessons for python versioning and how to setup dependencies ✅ #greendeploy
- rewrite code to use context_processors in order to call up settings inside templates ✅ #greendeploy
10. discover WAI-ARIA, storybook-django, django-pattern-library which will change how i go forward with fixing the frontend components ✅ #greendeploy
- greendeploy: deploy all the changes i made earlier in the week and replace all the /pricing to /login ✅ #greendeploy
- add 2 new article draft for django blog ✅ #greendeploy
- fix the issue where the cookiecutter-template is private repo ✅ #greendeploy
using django template blocks in order to make the tailwindui landing page template more modular in #greendeploy
3. prepare for DjangoLondon talk ✅ #greendeploy
dusted off my build django project and updated templates and the backend to be easier to maintain
- migrate the default starter to greendeploy-io and make it public ✅ #greendeploy