Similar todos
Fixed a bug on GetFit users profile
Allow users to delete workout templates #gymbro
Removed all "confirmation" messages after a workout was logged #getfitbot
Give ability to delete a result and associated workout data #beep
Fix a bug deleting non-admin users #interviewpr
Updated exercise page on open #ss
Update open page and fix exercise boxes #ss
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Fix bug that completely messes up the routine after changing the number of workouts per week.
Write better print statements for future debugging deleting workout data #beep
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Delete active routine.
Make exercise search and selection modal better #gymbro
#weburn Translate new exercise descriptions.
make new exercise plan #life
Fixed bug when removing UserShares #hyfm
Fix: Comparison for today workout doesn't work #progrs
Fix bug and submit algorithm exercise #dev