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Run workshop for #optimisedmining
Sent workshop invite to newsletter #rnc
schedule thank you email for workshop peeps #serverlessreact
followup with workshop lead
review past workshop feedback #seniormindset
send followup asking about workshop outcomes from december #seniormindset
some workshop planning
reply to workshop lead
reply to workshop lead
go through workshop feedback #seniormindset
reply to a bunch of DMs about demo workshop
prep workshop animation stuff #reactfordataviz
finally send email to that workshop lead
send workshop copy to reactathon
workshop take 2 #reactd32018
reply to everyone who asked about the workshop #serverlessreact
follow up with workshop lead
test workshop feedback form, resend to attendees #reactd3workshop
send update about tweaked workshop materials to folks #serverlesshandbook
send update about tweaked workshop materials to folks #serverlessreact