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#womenmake write description for podcast
write recap of call #seniormindset
Write up book notes #lifeee
write writeup for ep2 #codewithswiz
ask audience for opinions on detailed outline #refactoringbook
work on talk outline #refactoringbook #blog2
wrote a detailed outline for novella #freelance
finish talk outline #blog2 #refactoringbook
write recap and teaser #seniormindset
#pegleg write a project briefing
session 15 theater group #iian
write summary and intro for chapter 6 #refactoringbook
session 28 theatergroup #iian
session 12 theater group #iian
write recap article #serverlessreact
session 5 theater lab #iian
write recap/teaser of first call #seniormindset
write up #fajarsiddiq
write recap of ep5 #codewithswiz