Similar todos
#womenmake work on newsletter #2
drafted #djangonews issue #102 and scheduled it for release
published #djangonews issue #62
drafted and scheduled #djangonews #92 to go out tomorrow
schedule issue #2 #bootstrapmoney
schedule issue #2 #growthjobslist
worked on issue #2 of #djangonews
finished #djangonews issues #52 and scheduled it to go out tomorrow
Send issue 2 #magnewsletter
prepare newsletter #2 #indiesponsor
publish issue #32 #bootstrapmoney
📧 sent out newsletter #2 #djangonews
Outline newsletter #2 (to publish Oct 17) #substack
finished and scheduled #djangonews issue 57
published #djangonews issues #61
release 2 blog posts #japandev
issue #3 is drafted for the holidays #djangonews
sent out #djangonews issue 71
Scheduled the second issue of #solofounder featuring Sergio Mattei
schedule issue #22 #bootstrapmoney