Similar todos
Organize a day to create the backing panel #daylight
Create a page for reflector boxes #dumb
Create a page for Solar Pi v1 #solarpi #dumb
Finalise mounting panel arrangement #daylight
Do final light panel mounting #daylight
Finalise mounting panel size #daylight
Create a page for talkbox #dumb
Wait for backing board to try #daylight
Start developing dusk, a new template for #lexingtonthemes
Wait for terminal blocks to arrive #daylight
Paint backing board #daylight
create 🏠 page for something cool
create about page #jobsnantes
landing page v1 #openform
landing page v1 #tba
Create about page #femake
Create about page #curated
edit day 1 #blog
Wait for: 3W LED panels to arrive #daylight
Meet with relative who can do woodworking to discuss construction of backing panel #daylight