Similar todos
followup with Gatsby support
reply to client about potential next steps #consulting
look into Gatsby remark for site #aviaryanin
Further research into optimal use cases and tradeoffs between Next/Gatsby #metamas
finished email sequence 2/6 for client #freelance
write Gatsby + Auth0 article
Contribute to Gatsby
making progress on gatsby v4 -> v5 #blog2
keep going on client project #ekh
Tested out Gatsby for side project
chat with Gatsby ceo
Completed reading Gatsby official docs
rewrite in gatsby #aviaryanin
move to Gatsby Cloud so the fancy features work #reactfordataviz
Send follow up email to client #leadlist
merge gatsby v5 to main #blog2
Finished Intro to Gatsby blog post #ericnmurphy
followup with client about potential project
continue working on draft for client #ekh
meeting discussion with client #fajarsiddiq