Similar todos
finish the research training with Mike Schauer #copywritingdelivery
start watching copywriting research training by Bond Halbert #copywritingdelivery
prospect call training with advanced techniques #copywritingdelivery
created what could be called „Market awareness and Journey of the reader-buyer” #copywritingdelivery
training call no. 6 #copywritingdelivery
3rd copywriting training session #copywritingdelivery
make plan to attract clients (not chase them) #copywritingdelivery
Writing marketing copy #dev
watch training with Chris Orzechowski on email copywriting - it was only the basics but felt like a masterclass #copywritingdelivery
training session no. 3 (Escape Velocity program by Copy Chief) #copywritingdelivery
finish watching copywriting research training by Bond Halbert #copywritingdelivery - outstanding!!
learn more about conversion/copywriting/marketing
being creative with lack of structure #copywritingdelivery #iian
being creative with lack of structure #iian #copywritingdelivery
write consulting recap for Mike
schedule interviews with copywriters #visiblelight
wrote a bit on the stages of the buyer's journey as part of lesson 2.5 of the #freewritecamp story-creation masterclass
wrote and sent lesson 8 of the Story Creation Masterclass on the benefit of having a unique selling proposition (USP) when creating a product's story #freewritecamp
learned a new copywriting technique from Evaldo Albuquerque (Agora Financial) #copywritingdelivery