Similar todos
more editing and writing - client project #ekh
working on last weeks final edits for client #smartproduktion
almost done with client project
Finish first draft - client work
Finish around 60% of clients project
finished final draft of client work for client #1 #projects
Worked on client project almost done.
client work - 2 more projects to go
finished up client work for the day and have a new client project 90% deployed #revsys
basic edits on long report for client #ekh
major edit of report for client #ekh
focus on finishing revisions for client #ekh
client work —- > almost done with all 2017 projects
made a finish list for client project #ekh
finished list for client project #ekh
continue work on client project
Finish first draft of client website #random
continue working on draft for client #ekh
work on project for client #ekh
finish client work #addison