Similar todos
send emails to first 2 possible interviewees #financialtoolbelt
Invite more people to a new round of user interviews #clanlatam
Start putting together info for unlikely nomads
send interview request to vietnam nomadlist #escaperoute
send interview request to bali nomadlist #escaperoute
Interview potential user #clanlatamdb
Interview potential user #clanlatamdb
Interview another potential user #clanlatam #clanlatamdb
Interview another potential user #clanlatamdb
Email 4 people from HN about interview #nocsdegree
#bytesizedpod message interviewees
Send assets for new interview #mapmelon
interview bot sidepanel generate loads of qs #prototypr
finish initial set of questions for interviews #financialtoolbelt
Set up coming soon page #unlikelynomads
❓ interview niche people #sgtm
Follow up to some LI messages about user interviews #clanlatam #clanlatamdb
Interview with potential user #clanlatam #clanlatamdb