Vanilla Blogging
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Ability to create a blog (just blog, not posts :D) #vanillablogging
Add pricing page #vanillablogging
Update website copy and add links for navigating through the website #vanillablogging
Update the product description #vanillablogging
Update project name from onesimpleblog to on website, twitter and here in wip #vanillablogging
Add Github Actions to update dependencies, Standardb, ERB lint #vanillablogging
Plan forCycle 1 #vanillablogging
invite my sis to basecamp account to work on #vanillablogging
Starting this project from scratch: ✉️ Added "Sign up for beta access" link which takes to account the registration form. Used registration form instead of "waitlist" because: ✅ Email can be used to notify the customer ⛔️ No need for signup when it's ready #vanillablogging
reply to paddle email #vanillablogging
Generate privacy policy and tos using avodocs and add it to the website #vanillablogging
move posts under blog #vanillablogging
Add postmark and honebadger integration #vanillablogging
add stripe plans and pricing page for #vanillablogging
Setup fathom analytics #vanillablogging
add db backup verifier #vanillablogging
add webhook to github for autodeploy on commit #vanillablogging
try and fail deploying a simple blog application using rails with kubernetes for no reason #vanillablogging
install node 16.13.2 #vanillablogging
install ruby 3.1.0 #vanillablogging