Tweet Photo
Tweet Photo
Automatically post your Instagram photos to Twitter
Launched December 12, 2018
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Copy/paste ENV config to Heroku app
Send reminder email to people who haven't migrated to the new Instagram API yet
Win credit card payment dispute, because the customer was nice enough to contact their bank and revert it. Instead, I now do a proper refund.
Send email asking people to re-connect their Instagram account using new API.
Fix bug where re-connecting your Instagram account would not work if you were not signed in to Tweet Photo with your Twitter account. h/t @patrickloonstra
Refresh Instagram access token once a month
Set up data deletion request callback URL for Facebook app
Set up deauthorize callback URL for Facebook app
Make sign up use Twitter OAuth first (instead of Instagram OAuth), because Instagram now longer allows you to use it as a sign in method
Switch to new Instagram Graph API for new users
Enable "Remove hashtags" for new users.
Don't try to tweet deleted posts
Reach 3,000 active users
Get Facebook to postpone disabling Instagram Legacy API
Get permissions approved for Facebook app (still waiting for my account to get verified)
Re-submit Facebook App app again, with clear instructions on how to confirm email address if Twitter asks for it.
Get Facebook App rejected again, because Twitter asked for email confirmation and the reviewer didn't understand what to do.
Re-submit for Facebook App Review with the correct staging URL. (Fingers crossed).
Get rejected by Facebook App Review because I accidentally included a link to the production environment (instead of staging), which doesn't use the new code yet.
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