Write articles with AI-assistant (any topic or language)
Launched March 2, 2021
🎉 1,000 is a nice number...
and that's how many companies have joined, used, and trusted Thundercontent.
If you want to try the tool for your business.
👉 Comment on this milestone :)
I'll give you extra credits to have more time to try the tool. 🎁
Reached 2,000 users on Thundercontent
Just reached 2,000 users on Thundercontent.
The tool to write better articles (on any topic and in any language) with AI-assistant.
Here is some data I want to share with you :
🆓 Free Users
• CEO 37%
• Student 24%
• Marketing 13%
• Copywriter 12%
• Developer 5%
• Blogger 1%
• Other (PO, VC, H...
📍 Context: I'll launch 2 new products in addition to (AI Writer).
Thunder Audio: AI Audio Generator.
Thunder Video: AI Video Editor.
Is it understandable? Is it not too complicated?
Watch the Demo Video on Twitter
$5,574.60 1 month after the beta launch of Thundercontent,
Here are the numbers:
💸 $5,574.60 revenue
🥳 81 registrations
🎉 29 paying users
📉 2 churn
🔥 1291 unique visitors
🌶 2.3% conversion rate ($)
Thundercontent was recently launched in beta.
Some people think it's best to keep its res...
Launch on Product Hunt
One month ago I started the development of Thundercontent.
2 weeks ago, I was launching in beta test.
Today, I show it to you (it's exciting and stressful at the same time).
The tool that allows you to write the best articles by combining your ...