
$5,574.60 1st-month recap - Thundercontent

$5,574.60 1 month after the beta launch of Thundercontent,
Here are the numbers:
💸 $5,574.60 revenue
🥳 81 registrations
🎉 29 paying users
📉 2 churn
🔥 1291 unique visitors
🌶 2.3% conversion rate ($)
Thundercontent was recently launched in beta.
Some people think it's best to keep its results secret.
I don't think so.
The whole point of sharing my numbers and building in public is to engage with my users and the people who follow my work.
To continue to deliver, to do better each time and to motivate yourself!
It would have been impossible without the people who trust us: our customers.
So some of them have sometimes encountered bugs, sometimes inconsistencies.
But we were able to discuss, exchange and then correct and develop Thundercontent so that day after day it best meets expectations. (that's just the beginning 🔥)
Thank you. 🙏
Thank you to those who are part of this adventure. ❤️
(A little too serious and official this paragraph but it is my real feeling at the moment, so once again I thank you).
Sharing my numbers and my work in public also allows me to get feedback and visibility and therefore to improve and progress.
What do you think of this approach of sharing your results?
PS: DM me on Telegram to get 1 month offered and try Thundercontent 🎁

Thanks for you message max ! 🔥

That's amazing for the first month!

The second month is more complicated but I'm speeding up!
