The Companies API
The Companies API
Two makers striving to build the best company database.
Launched April 5, 2020
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#thecompaniesapi quantize phi3.5 to 4bit to use it in our inference server; same model size but 128k context length instead of 4k, I can now process huge chunks of texts without relying on batching
improving use cases #thecompaniesapi
improve code blocks on our use cases #thecompaniesapi
#thecompaniesapi continue on phi3; tryin to create the best possible synthesis of a web page at a low cost
writing use cases #thecompaniesapi
cleaning customer support #thecompaniesapi
#thecompaniesapi continue r&d on phi3, trying idea refinement from structured text content, then pipe to inference flow, unknown territories 🤣
writing a new article #thecompaniesapi
#thecompaniesapi improving results from phi3 is a tedious task, but if it pays off we get rid of a ton of problems
#thecompaniesapi tests are over; phi3 is what we need; dropping lots of python code in favor of a single inference process to govern them all
merging PR #thecompaniesapi
improving pricing #thecompaniesapi
#thecompaniesapi continue phi3 impl now that customer support is clear ; damn that model is fast
writing articles for our use cases #thecompaniesapi
monitoring cleaning scripts #thecompaniesapi
#thecompaniesapi cleaning the database ; hotfix for customers
fixing bugs #thecompaniesapi
improving companies count #thecompaniesapi
#thecompaniesapi multitasking support & AI stack rewrite; plenty of new things to do and try
accounting done for september #thecompaniesapi