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Be able to apply language settings #stenograph
Outline default language switching UI #stenograph
Extract authenticated account related actions into /my #stenograph
Fix failing specs #stenograph
Refactor notification views #stenograph
Catch and report API exceptions on failed publishing attempts as well #stenograph
Be able to catch API exceptions and trigger error messages in the UI over Hotwire #stenograph
Use single Turbo stream for all communications #stenograph
Tidy up process_story logic to include asynchronous communication #stenograph
Catch success delivery event broadcasted from Turbo stream in Stumulus, modify Vue component progress state #stenograph
Keep debugging #stenograph
Debugging channels adding error report #stenograph
Market research #stenograph
Keep hustling with Vue reactivity 😩 #stenograph
Trying to update Vue version to support .provide #stenograph
Chase missing font-awesome icons #stenograph
Rebind ngrok webhooks API endpoint #stenograph
Keep tinkering localizations #stenograph
Aligning product goals #stenograph
Take user interview #stenograph