Make card background grey and shadow on hover #shopeasyo
Remove repetitive "View shop" link and take to shop while clicking on card #shopeasyo
Remove text added to attract restaurant owners since that would be a separate app now #shopeasyo
Change homepage message to attract restaurant owners #shopeasyo
Add "Online store" to the featured shops who have online store to accept orders #shopeasyo
Since we are on alpha, use single server for app, database, redis instead of separate servers #shopeasyo
Apply for AWS Activate #shopeasyo
Add profile view count for shops in #shopeasyo
Make fathom analytics work with rails turbolinks #shopeasyo
Import data from old production app to #shopeasyo
Verify and authenticate domain in mailchimp so it doesn't go to spam #shopeasyo
Add email subscription in homepage for the #shopeasyo launch
Uptime page for #shopeasyo bb42bb7f-13af-4fb4-979f-77730…
Setup a production server using cloud66 for #shopeasyo without much functionality