Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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add non-tag search via ajax #remoteok
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send Safetywing sponsorship extension proposal for $25,000/mo #remoteok
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use brand color for header of single job page if company in companiesDb and has brand color set #remoteok…
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don’t show bundle link if already using bundle code on post job page #remoteok
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do update on short link service revenue: 125 short links sold per month @ $99 = $12,375/mo extra revenue #remoteok…
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deploy #remoteok buy bundle on Stripe Checkout that now supports all payment methods
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test webhook emailing and make it work #remoteok
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save company name, company email, invoice address and invoice notes in couponsDb #remoteok
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add code to in Stripe webhook catcher to send email with bundle codes from couponsDb #remoteok
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add code in Stripe webhook catcher to identify the payment for a bundle from the couponsDb #remoteok
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pre-generate bundle coupon codes for job posts when Stripe Checkout redirect happens and add stripe_checkout_session_id to each coupon code, then after payment when we get the webhook we can match it and set all those as paid (and send the email to the company with invoice) #remoteok
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make prototype end of quarter email so companies can spend their end of quarter budget on #remoteok bundles
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add box emoji cause it’s a bundle #remoteok
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move buy bundle page to Stripe Checkout so we can accept more payment methods #remoteok
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check if ?id= in #remoteok /invoice is alphanumeric or underscores to avoid bad input to Stripe
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change placeholder of location field so people stop typing US, but type United States full country names etc. #remoteok
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fix SQL to do LIKE on json tags with json_encode() and LIKE on company, position and also location to show more/better/wide results #remoteok
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translate ?ref= tags to human readable on #remoteok
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make company and worker profiles both have favicons #remoteok
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add online green ball if posted in last 30d #remoteok
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