Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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fix if company domain missing, don’t show schema at all on company page because Google won’t have it #remoteok
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fix schema if no logo file exists for company page #remoteok
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transfer from to Cloudflare #remoteok
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confirm Google Schema issues all fixed #remoteok
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block SQLite admin if not whitelisted IP #remoteok
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force add rel=“nofollow noopener” target=“_blank” to all job post links #remoteok
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add new code for race condition if Stripe webhooks fire twice but job already posted or bumped but use time of post or bump to check for it to ignore, so that multiple manual bumps can occur succesfully over time #remoteok
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add strip_tags() to Schema job description because it otherwise it’s “incorrect value type” #remoteok
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fix if rating is not 0 but very close and it shows up as 0.00 #remoteok schema
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submit all fixes for Schema #remoteok
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fix missing lowPrice highPrice schema data #remoteok
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add fix for missing ratingValue and bestRating etc #remoteok
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add fix for missing URL for Organization schema on job company page #remoteok
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remove ridiculous code that stopped jobs from being bumped after first time if manual bump was done #remoteok
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add emojis for new tags #remoteok
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fix bump post Stripe webhook after paying sometimes can’t find the job post if user pays and doesn’t go to the client callback page, because ?id= wasn’t specified in the webhook and not in client_reference_id either #remoteok
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don’t add free highlight upgrade if job is already brand color highlighted (e.g. higher value feature already bought) #remoteok
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remove requirement to verify ID on #remoteok because I require all people when applying for jobs to have account now and verifying ID costs $1.50 per time
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fix “Crm” -> “🧠 CRM” tag #remoteok
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deprecate and redirect /remote-companies to /remote-work-statistics#companies because all stats are on that page now and the previous page became dysfunctional #remoteok
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