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fix #hoodmaps problem of server being strained from people moving the map to random spots that can’t be cached because they’re random {Lat,Lng} coords /done fix #hoodmaps problem of server being strained from people moving the map to random spots that can’t be cached because they’re random {Lat,Lng} coords, instead use maxBounds to limit user staying one place (lat-0.25,lng-0.25,lat+0.25,lng+0.25), and let user use search box instead as it offloads strain from the server so that instead city centers are loaded (which can be cached statically instead of random coords) so that Hoodmaps becomes 100% static (cc @daniellockyer)
add details to #hoodmaps log.php and LIMIT 1 so it loads faster when Uptimerobot and @ronaldl93 open it
get on some Turkish YouTube channel with #hoodmaps…