


Fundraising & Investments in Web3
go to Milan for a few hours for a meeting #ng
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set up Deel account for new hires and automate everything #ng
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renew domain for 2 years more now business is going up and new hire #ng
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test LinkedIn's job posting feature and use a special keyword in the job post as a pre-filter #ng
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go to Berlin for BBW24 and meet web3 degens and scammers #ng
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get invitation to be speaker at the Blockchain Week in Berlin #ng
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make quick SEO audit of #ng and a lot of improvements still to be made
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test apollo for #ng because we need automation to scale
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send invoice to a client for investors introduction #ng
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move to Soho booking and configure it for teams #ng
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talk with debt collectors cause a US client went completely silent midway through our work once he received the invoice #ng
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code several hours to improve frontend pages, CTA and learn more about ReactJS while listening to John Wick soundtracks #ng
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update v2 and optimise website speed and learn more about react.js #ng
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crash the website by playing wizard and tried to resolve the issue with Vercel deployment for many hours but unsuccessful so I will build a v2 version of the website with a clean set up #ng
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reach out crypto VC partners for investment deal flow #ng
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call with headhunter to potentially hire a candidate in Q2 (need to think how I could create an account manager robot 😜) #ng
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build the investors' list for client #ng
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send client update by email and feedback from Davos #ng
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increase the intro module's price by 20% as it has been validated by our first customer who said that the price is reasonable #ng
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have a first call with the first new client of 2024 #ng
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