Income Rankings
Income Rankings
Find the Best Methods to Make Money Online
Launched November 16, 2018
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Implement the basic submit and profile interfaces #incomerankings
Improve the login interface and create a telegram group #incomerankings
Implement the login dropdown menu #incomerankings
Fix 'coming soon' page scroll issue and begin refining the login function #incomerankings
Upload the 'coming soon' page to the server and tweet about the current status #incomerankings
Create a 'coming soon' page #incomerankings
Do general code cleanup and backup #incomerankings
Implement the back-end of the database system #incomerankings
Experiment with JSON and TaffyDB for the database system #incomerankings
Begin integrating a database system #incomerankings
Minor design improvments, this week was a slow one due to being busy with other life stuff #incomerankings
Fix position of login button on the navigation bar #incomerankings
Add the main login button that shows the user's profile picture after login #incomerankings
Integrate the twitter login function to the main code #incomerankings
Fix a bug that prevented catching token in twitter login #incomerankings
Implement the basic twitter login function #incomerankings
Write the submit function documentation #incomerankings
Figure out a simple, pure js solution for twitter login #incomerankings
Create a twitter app #incomerankings
Begin implementing login with twitter #incomerankings