Income Rankings
Income Rankings
Find the Best Methods to Make Money Online
Launched November 16, 2018
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Finalize the modal url changing system #incomerankings
Figure out how to show modal when entering its hash url and clicking a modal changing url to its hash url #incomerankings
More database-related backend/frontend work and backup #incomerankings
Add privacy policy and terms of service #incomerankings
Figure out how to verify credentials successfully and integrate python-twitter wrapper #incomerankings
General design improvements and fixes, added disclaimer #incomerankings
Implement user-specific data sending from backend and displaying for window.onload #incomerankings
Implement frontend rank data collection and displaying #incomerankings
Implement method rank and number of votes checker and sender to frontend #incomerankings
Begin work on window.onload relevant data gathering, processing and displaying from the backend database #incomerankings
Continue work on database/frontend-backend communication and implement one vote per user #incomerankings
Set up google analytics for Income Rankings #incomerankings
Implement vote data adding to database #incomerankings
Open a twitter account for Income Rankings #incomerankings
Add vote data posting to backend #incomerankings
Implement the basic voting interface and code #incomerankings
Begin work on the ranking function #incomerankings
Make some design fixes and backup #incomerankings
Work on the submit and profile interfaces and do some mobile testing #incomerankings
Begin refining all the interfaces and designs #incomerankings