Podcast Preview
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change keywords for #podcastpreview in the app store
better time selection for #podcastpreview
add option to hide title to #podcastpreview
add landscape 16:9 option to #podcastpreview
customer feedback response on #podcastpreview
answer to all the email feedbacks #podcastpreview
submit new version of #podcastpreview supporting lower ios versions
launch app on producth Hunt #podcastpreview
resubmit new version of #podcastpreview
added cache cleaning to #podcastpreview
add preview video to app store #podcastpreview
add app store description, screenshots, keywords to itunesconnect #podcastpreview
ordered voiceover for #podcastpreview on fiverr
fix weird bug while resizing of the title on the preview screen #podcastpreview
redesign episode list screen of #podcastpreview
redesign time selector screen of #podcastpreview
new design of the video preview screen of #podcastpreview
fix two bugs on #podcastpreview
added crashlytics to #podcastpreview app
added flurry analytics to #podcastpreview