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tweet about PH launch #screenshots
write first comment for PH launch #screenshots
#screenshots Launch on Product Hunt:…
remove GA event tracking because it doesn't work and launching anyway #screenshots
pick a few better colors for default colors in color picker #screenshots
make product hunt launch #screenshots
scroll image into view when image is generated #screenshots
make checklist for PH launch (with help from @marie_dm) #screenshots
bundle all js with browserify #screenshots
fix download functionality in FireFox for @marie_dm #screenshots
change meta image again after changing how it works section again.. #screenshots
change images in how it works section (again) after feedback #screenshots
change order of coming soon list #screenshots
generate filename of image dynamically cc: @marcantoinefon #screenshots
softlaunch product in #screenshots
update meta image + add meta title and description #screenshots
make entire website responsive #screenshots
add GA event tracking to upload/download buttons #screenshots
change images in how it works section #screenshots
make how it works section responsive #screenshots