We're a group of makers shipping together. We help each other stay accountable and reach our goals.
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Not sure a lot of people did it — though, I guess if you are using Twitter just for keeping yourself accountable and stuff like that, then moving to WIP does make sense.
Personally, I use Twitter to grow my brand and online presence.
Just joined WIP, I think it's cool to keep both since twitter will bring more exposure, backlinks etc... and WIP more (and better) feedback 💪
👋 Join WIP to participate
Not sure a lot of people did it — though, I guess if you are using Twitter just for keeping yourself accountable and stuff like that, then moving to WIP does make sense.
Personally, I use Twitter to grow my brand and online presence.
Just joined WIP, I think it's cool to keep both since twitter will bring more exposure, backlinks etc... and WIP more (and better) feedback 💪