
What's the best email client/app out there?

I've got a new pop/imap email and would love to use something new and innovative. 

I generally use Google Workspace, but, would love recommendations on what I can use as an app on Mac/iPhone. 

...all the better if it's created by an indie hacker!

I’ve used Gmail forever because it works fine, but lots of indie hackers like Hey

I have multiple email accounts and domains, and I've come to like Spark; Using the free tier, and using its mobile app and MacOS variant.

It has one login that will give you access to all inboxes, maps etc. Also nice and easy switching between "regular viewing" and "smart views" that show your mail more organized.

Snoozing mails and planning mail sending is also very nice (send stuff in the morning to prevent people from thinking you respond at evenings also).