
: the new [Satellitor] landing page 🔥

Hey there! 👋 I just redesigned the landing page for Satellitor, my SEO blogging service. 🛰️

«Ready to bring traffic to your site? Satellitor creates, publishes, and ranks content, all on autopilot. (thanks to human + AI ❤️)»

The new website is live, but I need YOUR thoughts!
→Do you understand the value-proposition?

I'm looking for honest feedback, and yes, I can handle a roast! 🍖
Criticism, praise, suggestions – I'm all ears.

Your insights could shape the future of Satellitor! And I thank you in advance.

Here's the link:  🌐

Hey Paul,

I like it at first glance, but I think you could work on the copy. For example "Launch blogs on autopilot" suggests (to me) that you can create entire blog sites, different ones about different topics. But scrolling down further, it seems to talk about a single blog and creating blog posts for it.

Also take a look at the spacing and margins. For example, the "g" in 'SEO content that brings traffic." is cut off at the bottom.

Generally double check your copy, there are a few typos, like "developement" in your price tables. I also don't think "hand-off" is a word, lose the "-" on that one ;-)

More general question about the product, though. SEO is all about creating content that drives traffic to your website, but you'd need to have that blog on your own domain, correct? So, would this really work if I have, and then set up your service on I would think your service would need to publish blogs on for SEO to be effective for my product?

I'm currently rewriting the landing page. I'll take your feedback into account :) Thank you for a great and useful comment ✨

Hey, Paul, brand + content marketing strategist and writer here.

Your product sounds amazing, and I'll edit this after I look at it more in depth, but I wanted to let you know that the link goes to a 404 page (

Not sure if this is because it's picking up the emoji after or what, but if you're sharing the link, you'll definitely want to keep that in mind to not confuse customers. When I deleted the %20, it took me right to the site, though.

Okay, let's dive in!


"Satellitor enables busy entrepreneurs and marketing teams to automatically write and publish SEO content that brings traffic."

That's your value prop right here.

It's good, but it's not the best it COULD be. What I want to see answered is "so they can do what?"

In other words: Satellitor enables busy entrepreneurs and marketing teams to automatically write and publish SEO content that brings traffic -- so they can ______.

Ultimately, your leads don't want traffic. They want what the increased traffic will give them.

Position your service around that, and they'll take out their credit card every time.


I don't see if you also provide strategy.

I'm also in this industry (both as a strategist and writer), and I actually became a strategist BECAUSE people had no clue what they were doing. They were just mass producing content because someone (probably Gary V) told them to.

Except -- no strategy, no results.

This goes beyond just the SEO strategy and into:

  • audience
  • positioning
  • messaging
  • voice
  • content strategy -- how to raise brand awareness using content to drive traffic to the website to capture (the right) leads for a specific offer

I've been in this space for 15 years, and not once have I worked with a client who could even describe their audience in sufficient detail, much less their positioning or message, which meant they had absolutely no idea how to even begin to create a unifying strategy that led undefined people to whatever they were selling.

(Or most of them were just focused on the wrong thing, like "get more followers" or "get more website traffic" instead of focusing on the end goal -- what those will get them.)

And that's why I went into brand strategy and lead with that FIRST before we get into the content work. Otherwise, I've seen what happens when people just want "words on the page." (It's never good.)

If after 15 years, I haven't come across one client who had a strong brand strategy, much less a content strategy to serve as a solid foundation for their content, I'm going to make an educated guess neither do your prospective clients.

And to be fair, I primarily work with solopreneurs, other marketing agencies (you'd be surprised how little they put in their own business), nonprofits, and social good enterprises, and I'm just starting to reach out to SaaS companies for freelance writing work, so depending on YOUR specific audience, this might differ.

But it's something to definitely keep in mind.


You know that list up there I said that all my clients didn't have?

I suggest going through that and making sure you can answer those for Satellitor because I get the feeling (just from this page alone) that you haven't done the foundation stuff in depth enough. (Either that, or you just haven't communicated it, but that shows me that you don't know it well enough to be able to communicate it clearly and simply on the page.)

You'll especially want to make sure you focus on the audience part since that informs everything else. I do ethnographic research since I'm a trained cultural anthropologist, and while that's massively valuable, you don't need to go that in depth.

But you do need to know:

  • their wants/desires
  • what their wants/desires will get them
  • their aspirational identity
  • what problems they're experiencing in their business (and look at problems that may be several layers from the direct ones you solve and focus on the BIG problems)
  • what they've done that isn't working/they don't enjoy
  • what phrases they commonly say when they talk about content creation/SEO*

*That stuff is big money copywriting here. Market research should absolutely include collecting this so you can use THEIR words in your copy. (It's my trick to have people think I read minds.)

And if you don't know how to go through this process or want an outside strategist's perspective, send me a Telegram and we'll talk.


You say this:

"Google is complete okay with AI generated blog posts. They even say so in their official documentation."

But you don't back it up. Where you say "official documentation," add a link to that official documentation.

Even if they don't click on it, it still signals to their brain that there's some proof, even if they don't actually read it. They'll trust it exists.

Just because it's on the internet, doesn't mean it's true, and people are less trusting of what they see if there's no proof backing it up. I believe in providing people proof, and I don't think my prospective customers should have to do their own research to prove me right/wrong when I can just be transparent.

Also, the last I saw -- and take this with a grain of salt because it's been a couple weeks -- Google was demoting AI-generated work UNLESS it met specific requirements. As someone who specializes in SEO, you'll know EEAT -- Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. You have to guarantee your AI-generated content meets these requirements.)


In your FAQ:

Can I trust AI with my SEO needs, and how does it compare to human input?

Our AI-driven SEO service is designed to work alongside human efforts. It adheres to best practices, is customizable, and continually updates. This allows for efficiency without losing the personal touch.

This is gold. I recommend talking about "not losing the personal touch" higher up because this would be one of their concerns.

You'll want to reassure them very early on that you're not sacrificing this (personal touch) for quantity or price.

(In fact, one of my messaging points for my freelance writing services is keeping the personal touch. It's something people are consistently attracted to.)


(I promise I'm almost done.)

In the FAQ section:

Can Satellitor help me with topics and keywords?

Yes, we can advise you on keywords to aim for your blog.

You mention keywords in your answer but not topics. Topics are actually a huge thing people ask me about, so you're missing an opportunity to:

  • reassure them they'll have topics as well as keywords
  • share a little about your process for developing topics

(People like being reassured and get an idea of how things will go.)


In the FAQs:

What does "SEO optimized" mean?

The content and structure of your blog will be designed to follow Google's rules.

Yes, but also, not quite. Also, consider your audience. Marketing teams should absolutely know what this is.

I would take the opportunity to go deeper and establish authority and trust in your brand that, yes, you do know what SEO-optimized content" means AND how it impacts your customers directly.

(Always, always, always tie it back to them, their goals, and their needs.)

✨ EIGHTH (and last) THING:

In the FAQs:

Do you offer a free trial?

Our trial start at $99/month for 20 blog posts, and you can cancel anytime.

You didn't actually answer the question. Also, it's not a "trial" if it's just the regular price.

Instead, I would say:

"No, we don't offer a free trial, but you can test out Satellitor for 1 month for $99."

You can add the rest of what you had said -- about the specific deliverables and there's one-click cancellation available.

Hey Cat! I'm rereading your comment point by point as I'm rewriting my landing page. Thank you for the time you spent writing this long response. When the project is released I could notify you, if you wish :)

@smitmartijn @cat

After taking your feedback into account, here is the new landing page: Satellitor

Sorry for just seeing this. It's been a busy month. I just checked out your landing page, and it's FANTASTIC!

I'm so glad my suggestions helped you improve the copy.

PS If you ever need an extra hand on deck for that 20% human touch for their content, I'd love to apply.