
Roast my new project JustTagIt

Hello! 👋🏼
I’m Martijn, I (try to) create & build things for the interwebs.

🛠️ What have I build!
I have build JustTagIt to make it easy for everyone to add a simple tag to there projects.

Just Tag It: lets you add a custom tag to your projects. It's an easy way to let people know you made it and build trust with your tag. Be creative.

Create, copy the script and paste it somewhere in your code. And boom, it's done! 

🚧 Why I have build JustTagIt?
I always want to know who has made the cool site I come across and get more info about the creator. But a lot of the time, there's no info about the creator. So I thought, why not make something to fix that?

That's how JustTagIt was born. It's a simple way to put your name on your work. Because if you made something awesome, why not take credit for it?

📣 Be proud of what you have made. Let people know it's yours! JustTagIt

I’d love any feedback! Feel free to ask questions or suggest improvements. 

I use Vue for my stuff and personally I feel like I could just ask ChatGPT for the code to implement something like this.

Also I don't like how every little thing is ending up as a subscription, I feel like the people going that route are purposely hoping people forget about the subscription and end up overpaying for the service.

And the "support future features" line doesn't strike a chord with me, off the top of my head I don't see what other features it would need.

On the positive side, IMO it's great that you went through the entire process of creating a product, creating a marketing site, and getting payments set up.