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Easiest method is using the subprocess module. If you're using Py3.5+ (you should be) see:
Oops, just saw your addition of "in realtime", you're going to want to use Popen. See the docs.
You might check out how delegator.py works under the hood. github.com/kennethreitz/deleg…
im using envoy, and not really like i will give a changes to delegator i see the block params if it works
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Easiest method is using the subprocess module. If you're using Py3.5+ (you should be) see:
Oops, just saw your addition of "in realtime", you're going to want to use Popen. See the docs.
You might check out how delegator.py works under the hood. github.com/kennethreitz/deleg…
im using envoy, and not really like i will give a changes to delegator i see the block params if it works