
Please help me decide how to proceed on this project

If you have a moment, need your thoughts on this :)

Recently I rebranded to because I couldn't afford the renewal cost (~$350)

It's almost a month in and I got some fund to renew it. 

Now the question is 

  • list the domain for a higher price to sell (since I already spent money in last few years of renewal)
  • rebrand to again and see if I can make some money from it atleast to cover the cost? 

some ideas I have on how to take it further:
  • allow developers to charge for their content
  • make it easier to follow language/framework wise content - ruby, php, js, rails, laravel, react, etc
  • a daily newsletter where developers can subscribe to a language or a frameworks and we'll send something new to learn daily
  • open source it and get more ideas and support?

I think there are two different things: the domain, and the project.

In this case, as the renewal cost is "high" comparing with other domains, and that you already did the rebranding, I will treat that domain as an "investment".

The "value" of that domain is the domain itself, not the project you are building on it. This means that, in the future, someone could be interested in buying the domain, not the project. If the project grows, then the buyer would buy because of the project, not the domain.

This said, If you assume the domain as an investment, then you have to think on the long term. Analyze how much you could get from it and calculate if the investment is logic or not.

Thanks @ibonazkoitia. That's a great insight - considering the domain and the project as two different things. I haven't really thought about it like that.

To be frank, I was secretly hoping the domain to help the project.