
Does anyone have experience with Facebook/IG/Google/Reddit and other ads?

Hey everyone,

I want to experiment with running social media ads and see if they lead to eBook sales. At the relatively high price for the sale, I think it might work pretty well but it's just a theory.
I am primarily interested in IG/FB because I think it's the best place for my TA (expats), but I'd appreciate tips from other media, too.

I have never used ads. Can you share your experience, tips, and maybe online tutorials related to the topic? 

Thank you in advance! 

Not an ad pro, but have run a few campaigns in the ecom space. The fact that you can set the daily budget is perfect. Consider a small amount that you'd be willing to commit to writing off as an experiment (eg. $100). Set your daily budget off of that and then launch a trial campaign. You can then start A/B testing and iterating based on the results. I took the CopyThat course ( to sharpen my copywriting. It's not specifically for ig/fb, but the general principles are valid.

Thanks for the tips and the course link!

Do you narrow your audience type right away or give broader settings and leave it up to the algorithms?

You can start with a wide net and then include/exclude based on demographics or interests. It’ll show estimated size of audience. Obv there’s a tradeoff between specificity and audience size. The algo can also make improvements on its own.

Hey I just published an analysis of how 6 indiehackers got Google Ads working for them. Thought you might find this useful:

1. Audit your search terms frequently
2. Start as soon as possible
3. Observe users’ actions
4. Set a target CPA limit
5. Focus on high value keywords
6. Target competitor brands