We're a group of makers shipping together. We help each other stay accountable and reach our goals.
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You can start with 'learn while you poop' de @swizec . www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnMXu…
i actually love this. react though. not react native
If you like videos, checkout learn.handlebarlabs.com
And here's its Free Video course👇
Or if you like books, checkout www.fullstackreact.com/react-…
Also, you'll find lots of amazing resources in my Reddit thread if you like videos
🔗 www.reddit.com/r/reactnative/…
Also, @swizec has React Native ones 👉 school.shoutem.com
will work through :_)
MengTo just shipped 👉🏻 designcode.io/react And I've seen yesterday a nice collection of courses curated by Zack Jonhson 👉🏻 reactfordesigners.com
👋 Join WIP to participate
You can start with 'learn while you poop' de @swizec . www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnMXu…
i actually love this. react though. not react native
If you like videos, checkout learn.handlebarlabs.com
And here's its Free Video course👇
Or if you like books, checkout www.fullstackreact.com/react-…
Also, you'll find lots of amazing resources in my Reddit thread if you like videos
🔗 www.reddit.com/r/reactnative/…
Also, @swizec has React Native ones 👉 school.shoutem.com
will work through :_)
MengTo just shipped 👉🏻 designcode.io/react
And I've seen yesterday a nice collection of courses curated by Zack Jonhson 👉🏻 reactfordesigners.com