
A tool to help me (and you) find a job 36.5 MB

For the last few weeks I've been looking for a new job. There are a lot of job listings available on multiple sites, and I soon noticed I didn't really have a good way of keeping track of the application status of every job listing. Also, companies tend to remove the job listing after the closing date, and if you didn't save the job listing, you're screwed.

First I made an overview in Notion of all job listings I was interested in, but that didn't really work. I quickly lost overview, every job listing has a different markup and there was a still lot of manual repetitive work. That's why I built something myself.

Posting a little demo video here and I'm curious:

  • If you recognize the struggles I had while searching for a job and if this tool would be something you'd be interested in
  • If the features shown are clear and if you miss some
  • If you see something I should really fix/change before shipping

Digital high five if you can come up with a great name for this tool  👋

@marc I see my video doesn't play. Is that a bug or a feature? 😄

Bug. I don’t think we currently support videos on posts

Nice work, have seen this done via a Google Sheet normally. This looks to add enough added value in comparison that users would make the switch 👍

There's a few products like this in the market. is probably the most well known one. It's also something I've had on the back-burner for for a while

I think the issue with trying to sell it as a stand alone tool (versus being part of a job board for example), is that people actively looking for a job don't tend to have a lot of discretionary spending.

Yes, even people with high paying jobs do switch jobs, but typically because they get poached away or get a better offer through their network. So for those people a job application tracker isn't that relevant.

The real money is with the employers.

That's just my cynical take on this market, but I think rooted in logic.

I do like the simple UX. Makes a lot of sense. I can see the same setup being useful for many other use cases as well. So I'd suggest to try and get in the hand of job seekers first (maybe run some ads on job boards), but after that also pursue other markets where it's useful to collect leads from different sources, structuring it, and turning them into a pipeline. There's many possible use cases for that I think.

What I really want is something that will apply to jobs for me. Like, just take my resume and apply to all the companies in Hacker News' "Who's Hiring" every month. Or something like that.

If I just want to keep track of jobs I'm applying to I can just use a Google sheet, it's good enough.

You mean auto apply based on your CV and skills. This must be tough because system need to read your CV and know very well about the jobs you want it to apply like title, skills and companies culture, and also need to control how many jobs to apply, etc. Real hard

Or I misunderstand?

I don't mind answering some questions to make it easier for the app to auto apply for me. IMO determining whether to apply to a job isn't the hard part, I think the hard part is interfacing with all of the company-specific web apps for accepting applications.

True! It will more easy if jobs can be applied by your form before pushing to companies's ATS. But yes, how to push to their ATS also another challenge.

This seems like a great way to organise the jobs trackings.